Thursday, June 4, 2009

Costa RIca

To start off I wanted to rectify a mistake. Rebecca pointed out that It has not been four years of dating desert as written in the earlier post, but two or three. It just seems like four.

I feel that I have misled in the state of my well-being. My posts make it seem as if I am trapped in an endless spiral of worry, self pity and loneliness. I guess at times I am and at those times I find myself blogging to help get those thoughts out in the open so they are not trapped in my mind. I guess I should choose a less public domain to spew forth my insecurities, but I think it goes hand in hand with what I am writing and a desire to be heard and understood.

I wonder who reads this.

Anyway, I have decided to go to Costa Rica. As soon as find out how much time I can take off of work I'm booking the ticket and going probably in October.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Look at you traveling lady! Do it!